
Kin Lane

Ten Years of APIeostasis Across Our Predexpert Systems

Our predexpert systems has 1.3 million nodes, and covers every topic known to man. As you know the statistical analysis portion of the system is now down to 30% of the operating system, and about 70% of the energy usage, with the 1.3 million experts nodes down to 30% power usage, but makes up the bulk of system processing. Of course everything coming from the expert layers is refined, filtered, and evaluated by the predictive, ensuring there is no leakage and everything is accounted for.
Kin Lane

That Anxiety You Are Feeling Is You literally Being Ripped From The Physical World and Uploaded Into the Singularity

That daily anxiety that you feel, which has been slowly accumulating over the last 25 years, is literally you’re being ripped from the physical world and uploaded into the Singularity. With your obsessive focus on the destination over the years, as well as your disdain for your current location in any given moment, you never quite thought much about what the upload process would actually look like. Did you think it would be simple, fast, and painless? Like you have the fastest and highest...
Kin Lane

Sacrificial Citi Bike Riders

After aggregating the DNA samples from all of the Citi bike riders killed in accidents between 2025 and 2030 we were able to isolate the optimal sacrificial profile to appease the gods and begin shifting the automobile narrative. The ideal candidate is white, mostly male, but female still is needed, but are also in the upper income bracket. Early on in the evolution of Citi bikes, but there was a diverse range of riders, and the conversation didn’t seem to shift. However, with the current ...
Kin Lane

Owen is Me

I learned today that my #1 stalker Owen, is actually me from the future. I guess shit has gone wrong and I am coming back to try and prevent my message abou tAPIs from getting out to the world. I have recently learned that there is a way to take control over people with schizophrenia from the future, and apparently the future me has exploited this “loophole”. I have long wondered about Owen’s undying commitment to stalking and harassing me, and now I know he is so dedicated, because he is ...
Kin Lane

Transit is Ubiquitous

Eventually I hope to get back out to San Diego to see my sister, but it has taken me 2 years to work my way to Texas from New York City. Honestly, I kind of like the slow pace. I like the eddies along the way I get stuck in. I’ve been to stations that have trains stop every 5 minutes, and stations that have trains stop once a day. I like the families and friends I’ve made along the way at transit stops. It definitely isn’t the life for everyone, but I have grown accustomed to it, and I am ...
Kin Lane

The Awards Ceremony Back Home

I was still tired and feeling awkward being back home. The last mission was a lot. It is like waking up after an intense dream. I am happy to be back amongst family and friends, but the first couple of days and even weeks, I prefer to just sit on the porch. It was just a coincidence that the annual awards ceremony was happening this evening, and I felt obligated to head back up the hill to the hotel and theater to pay my respects to those being honored.
Kin Lane

The Souls We Project Online, Into Games, and Defined by Artificial Intelligence

The Calusa, an indigenous people of Florida’s southwest coast believed that they had three souls and that they were located in the pupil of a person’s eye, his shadow, and their reflection. We now believe that we also have a soul that is projected online by ourselves, as well as within the characters we assume in online game, and how we are defined by artificial intelligence. In the last fifty years we have witnessed extraordinary connections between our physical self and what many would c...
Kin Lane

Revealing the Cybernetic Gears in Our Everyday Life

I have accidentally come across a way to see cybernetic gears. They aren’t just small, but also in a time and space that is adjacent to our physical world. At first I just thought it was distortion introduced by the AI models I had trained, but once I began to zoom in, I realized I can actually see the point where our behavior touches the technology using the exhaust generated. Maybe friction, or energy would be a better word. Either way, after zooming in across several algorithmically enh...
Kin Lane

The Forward Motion of Cybernetic Gears

We personally make thousands of APIs calls each day. Our day is shaped by APIs, and it is dangerous to think otherwise. Despite Shannon’s original vision of communication being the same across all channels—in our view every API transaction has different emotional connections and societal value.
Kin Lane

Algorithmic Intelligence Entropy

Intelligence is the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills, with artificial intelligence being the theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages. Where algorithmic is something expressed as or using an algorithm or computational procedure, and entropy being a lack of order or predictability; gradual decline into disorder. ...
Kin Lane

The Real OpenAI Break Through

I was able to identify the patterns after sifting through the API gateway log files. From regular network traffic they just look like messages to and from the intended sender and receivers, but when you do a diff across all of the API calls made to formulate, send, receive, and respond to messages, an entirely different picture emerges. All of the messages sent to and from the OpenAI board over the last week, and across those of about 15 others from what I can tell, originated from OpenAI ...
Kin Lane

Municipal Pneumatic Dig Dug Boring Company Investment Sought

I am looking for 150 million dollars from you to get this thing off the ground. Think Elon Musk’s Boring company, but instead of digging underground tubes for human transport, we are looking to bore smaller tunnels underneath metro areas to install a robust pneumatic tube system. We are looking to be the last mile package delivery for the metro areas. We have warehouses on the outskirts of the top 25 largest cities, and we just need to install the last mile of pneumatic tubes for package d...
Kin Lane

Keep Building As Many APIs as You Need and We Will Make Sense of It

You have 5 times the number of APIs you thought you did after doing the last census. You now have 760K APIs in operation across the enterprise with a rate of new APIs being deployed around 40+ per week. I know that you are feeling like you should put the brakes on this until you get your digital resource sprawl under control, but I am here to be the voice of reason. There are good reasons why you are developing this many APIs. Do not get in the way of teams when it comes to their innovatio...
Kin Lane

Sentinel APIs

Like most Internet technologies, APIs began as something intended to help augment us humans, but over time they became something that changed, altered, and forever doomed us as human beings through a million digital cuts to our uniquely human soul. Originally known as application programming interfaces back at the beginning of the century, the technical description was shortened to simply API, but along the way APIs were weaponized to not just augment us, but consume us, and reduce every a...
Kin Lane

I Am Responsible For This Messed Up Timeline We Find Ourselves In

I now remember the evening that set all of this in motion. When the fracture in the space time continuum occurred. From my position this is when I started down this timeline, but guess y’all are along for the ride as well. Chad, Toby, Ramon and I had decided to eat some acid. It was some fresh album cover acid Chad and Toby had gotten from their cousins. We ripped it up into four separate chunks and each began chewing on our wad of paper. We had mostly forgotten that we ate it once it star...
Kin Lane

The Facial Recognition Network Has Exposed That There Are Only So Many Souls to Go Around

At about 60% global coverage for facial recognition network is where we began to suspect there was something else going on. However, it was until about 90% global coverage were we able to verify that some people are in fact the same people, cloned souls, or however you want to put it. It began with an increase in the number of mistaken identity cases, and then it became visible at scale once there was a global incarceration network, and we began sending facial recognition matches to the sa...
Kin Lane

I Caught Myself Flickering in the Mirror Late Thursday Night

I spend a lot of time working late. 11:00 PM to 3:00 AM is prime coding time. Even after working a 10 hour day at my job, I am usually working 4-6 hours late into the night on any one of my side projects. Last week my girlfriend had bought a new mirror and put it by the bathroom door in our bedroom, perfectly placed to reflect myself back to me as a sat at my bedroom office desk. I regularly noticed myself out of the corner of my eye, but I hadn’t really given the mirror much thought. A co...
Kin Lane

Autocompleting The Meaning Behind My Messages

It was my teenage daughter and her cousin who first brought it to my attention. She was texting to him on the couch, and then looked over his shoulder to read what she had just sent to him. She exclaimed, “that is not what I said!” Then she looked at her phone and in fact it was what she had written. I asked her how the message was different. She said it was mostly what she had written, but had one or two words that were different. I dismissed it as an autocorrect error-—it happens to us a...
Kin Lane

Stirring Up Some Business Down There

No baby. I’m just the carrier, but every time I do the pick up, I do end up having to spend a whole afternoon with the blowhard. Telling me how much money they are raking in operating the border camps, and all you have to do is leak a story to the press about how crowded things, and you can ask for more money to increase capacity. This administrations stance on immigration has been a huge boost to the private detention center industry, but more importantly the underground market which I’m ...
Kin Lane

We Outsource All Of Our Defect Development

We have 3rd party development shops that deliver our defective solutions. When we identify an opportunity for “accidentally” grabbing audio, video, or other data, we make sure a 3rd party development shop has their finger prints all over it. There are plenty of web, mobile, device, and network development shops out there who are hungry for contracts, which are also easily infiltrated by seemingly low-level staff ho can assist us in ensuring that the defects we are looking for exist within ...
Kin Lane

The Rogue Tech Employee Training Academy

Not everyone has the guts to be honest about what the future will hold. Not everyone in this country has a bright future, and some are better off burning out instead of facing the dark future that is in store for them. The individuals who are attracted to drugs at this moment in time are the same individuals who will cost society money down the road when it comes to prison, healthcare, other services. Preemptive, phased in, slow build executions are the most logical, and efficient way to d...
Kin Lane

Marty McFly Syndrome Hits 60% Of The Population

We never quite fully understood our physical self before we set out defining our digital self. There appears to be a lot more to our physical self than what we knew, and with 60% of the population suffering from what has been dubbed, “Marty McFly Syndrome”, we are unsure if we will ever actually fully be able to reverse the clock. The syndrome has nothing to do with time travel, or changing the course of time (maybe), it has more do with the role that being seen by others plays into the ph...
Kin Lane

Preemptive Executions Are Just An Honest View Of What Is To Come

Not everyone has the guts to be honest about what the future will hold. Not everyone in this country has a bright future, and some are better off burning out instead of facing the dark future that is in store for them. The individuals who are attracted to drugs at this moment in time are the same individuals who will cost society money down the road when it comes to prison, healthcare, other services. Preemptive, phased in, slow build executions are the most logical, and efficient way to d...
Kin Lane

Elon Musk Solves The Water Crisis In Flint Michigan In One Month

It has been one month since Elon Musk vowed to go into Flint, Michigan and solve the water crisis once and for all. The tech billionaire said he had enough when it came to the community not having access to clean water. The city’s water criss first started in 2014 when the drinking water source for the city was changed from Lake Huron and the Detroit River to the cheaper Flint River–due to insufficient water treatment, lead leached from the lead water pipes into the drinking water, exposin...
Kin Lane

The New Corporate Hustle Algorithm

Dan from IT has released a new version of the corporate hustle application, with a whole new algorithm directing our spontaneous activity throughout the day. This is version 3.0 of the application after our company adopted the Density system across all corporate locations. Pushing back on management putting Density units in every room, hallway, stairwell, and lobby across all 10 of our buildings, tracking the activity and density that exists across our...