
Kin Lane

The Invasion Began In The 19th Century With Early Radio Waves #DesignFiction

From what we now know, the invasion began in the early 20th century, with early signals sent to our invaders via experimentation in radio waves in the mid 19th century. Early forms of communication did not draw their attention like the signals we sent by radio, television, telephone, the Internet, and cellular technology. Each wave of technology...
Kin Lane

Fees For IoT Device Security Violations Are Automatic #DesignFiction

When you purchase your security camera, router, printer, or other potentially Internet-connected device and plug it in on your network, you will have to complete its activation. When you purchased your IoT device, this was just the first half of the activation sequence, once you get connected to your network, you will need to execute the second hal...
Kin Lane

We Offer A Redundant Proxy For The Facebook Live API #DesignFiction

Use our API proxy for your mobile video applications instead of directly connecting to Facebook Live API. The proxy ensures your video is uploaded to Facebook Live, as well as up to 10 other locations, depending on how important syndication is to you. With the numerous claims against Facebook regarding censorship of videos we know we can't ...
Kin Lane

Complete RF Scanning Coverage Where You Need Using Drones #DesignFiction

Our fleets of drone deployed radio frequency (RF) spectrum scanners can be deployed as a cohesive mesh, producing 100% scanning coverage wherever you need them--within an hour. Each drone logs everything. All signals are recorded and synced with the cloud in real-time, where our systems get to work iden...
Kin Lane

Waze For Drones #DesignFiction

We are the Waze for drones. Instead of routing cars and trucks we provide routing options for the commercial drone industry. Drone routing adds another critical dimension to the process--elevation. What fixed objects are in the way, like buildings, bridges, and trees. What temporary objects are in the way like cranes, cables, and other d...
Kin Lane

My Job Is To Track On The Medical Devices Of Senators #DesignFiction

My full-time job is to keep track of the medical devices that members of the senate depend on. Specifically, the Internet-connected or network enabled devices that they use on a regular basis. I have a counterpart who works in service of the members of congress, and a separate one in charge of the White House--wee all share notes ...
Kin Lane

We Specialize In Faux Internet of Things Hack Stories #DesignFiction

Our speciality is in crafting creative Internet of Things hack stories. Do you want your competitor to think their products are insecure? Do you want the free publicity that can come with a security breach? We are the creative team you are looking for. We have the experience to help you craft and execute exactly the perfect scenario and help you achieve your goals. In today's online volatile cyber security landscape the stage is set, all you have to do is seize the moment. Our most ...
Kin Lane

72 Hours Of DDoS Attack Is Optimal For Softening Target Before Physical Entry #DesignFiction

Our numbers show that almost any company will lower their physical defenses in response to an online DDOS attack on their infrastructure. After delivering over 12K successful campaigns we began to test physical entry capabilities, and after delivering another 10K attacks, we found the most lucrative opportunity is not through the digital fro...
Kin Lane

It Was Good Month On The Net! Let's Go To Mars For A Vacation #DesignFiction

If the numbers regarding online sales from the website prove true, I am prepared to take the entire team to Mars for a vacation. I was just logged into the dashboard and the sales numbers were well into the eight figures for this month, with the defensive costs associated with keeping the website online only being about 43% of that total. Those a...
Kin Lane

The Uber For Surveilance #DesignFiction

As an independent cable contractor, I am always looking for extra ways to make some money. This is why I joined UberWatch, which allows me to pick up extra surveillance jobs in the areas I'm already working in. All I do when I am on my regular jobs, is to turn on the app, and it will let me know if there are open surveillance jobs in t...
Kin Lane

The Cost Of Expanding Your Botnet With Free IoT Device Giveaway #DesignFiction

We can get the price down to around $8.00 USD per device, allowing you to reduce the cost of building your Botnet out significantly. When you give away a free Internet of Things device out for free at local events like flea markets, fairs, and other local gatherings, we see an average of 65% connectivity rate--nearly twice what we saw w...
Kin Lane

If You Want Gov Ally On Self-Driving Car We Need You To Weaken Your Messaging App Google #DesignFiction

Yes, we are fully aware your desires to move forward with your self-driving car initiative, and if you want the US government as an ally in these efforts, we will need something from you in return. You know that messaging app you have been ...
Kin Lane

Algorithmic Local Area Transporter Moving Obstacles Out Of Your Way #DesignFiction

Our mobile phones have taken common everyday transporter technology and put it in service of the public out on the street where it matters. Everyone is aware of the clueless mobile device user out on the street, stopped in the middle of the sidewalk, blocking the restaurant door, and standing in the street while staring at their phone. ...
Kin Lane

I Am Afraid You Failed Multiple Software Runtime Patent Infringement Checks #DesignFiction

I am sorry, but your codebase has been disabled, due to failing multiple software patents checks--we cannot allow your software to continue operating in any environment. Apparently, sometime during your development, QA, and bringing live to a production environment, someone on your team did not run the required regulatory checks. We ar...
Kin Lane

Join Your Local Stringray Cell Tower Befuddle Brigade #DesignFiction

If you want to join your local area's stingray cell tower befuddle brigade all you have to do is have your own (secondary) iPhone or Android device, and you can download the appropriate mobile image for your device via the websites downloads page. While we do not track your user agent or IP address, we recommend using TOR when you visit we...
Kin Lane

Time To Live (TTL) Validators Are Now Commonplace In All Digital Devices #DesignFiction

After 10 years of heavy enforcement, we now consider Time to Live (TTL) validators as the default across ALL devices connected to the Internet. We acknowledge that there are the 5% of system violators, as well as the unknown violations, but we are now confident that all data, content, and other media's TTL will be respected across all complia...
Kin Lane

Our Most Effective Areas Of Cyberwarfare Right Now Are In Gaming And Internet Of Things #DesignFiction

We have thousands of cyber operations running within the United States at any moment. We measure the effectiveness of these operations in real time, and by far, the two most successful areas for infiltration, gathering intelligence, and inflicting damage are in the areas of gaming and the fast-growing Internet of Things universe. The a...
Kin Lane

We Saved Everything Knowing That Some Day You Would Need It #DesignFiction

We fully understand that many people hold a belief that what happens online should be ephemeral, and go away after time passes. However, it is our belief that this is a very misguided view of our digital world, and ignores what is most important for you, your friends, family, as well as the collective history of humanity.  In ...
Kin Lane

At Each Disaster, Wireless Infrastructure Will Be Deployed In Minutes Using Drone Swarm Tech #DesignFiction

In 2023 every city in the United States has emergency wireless Internet drone fleet for deployment in the event of a disaster. The Internet was declared a  right a couple of years back, opening up a flood of new funding for cities, counties, and states when it comes to their financing their drone fleets. It is now commonplace that&nbs...
Kin Lane

Increasing Number Of Backup Connection In Queue To Ten For Reliable Drone Radio Redundancy #DesignFiction

Our company policy is to not fly our drone fleet into any area where we cannot have at least five backup connections in the queue at any one time. Our patented drone radio redundancy platform continuously scans the landscape looking for viable wifi connections, and will actively work to have a minimum of five connections queued up to act as...
Kin Lane

Fool Mobile Phone Surveillance With Our Personal Micro Drone Facade #DesignFiction

Need to go somewhere and you don't want law enforcement or even that nosey boss or wife of yours knowing about? Boy, do we have the person drone for you! The new facade edition of our microdrone can clone your iPhone, and can mimic all or part of your daily activities for you, while you are out doing what you need to get don...
Kin Lane

Reports Of Squabbles Between Drones On Street Lamp Posts Have Doubled This Year #DesignFiction

As the recent mobile phone footage of a drone squabble in the Mission District demonstrates, space on our cities street lamps has become extremely valuable. Drone programmers and operators have developed a wide range of approaches to ensure their drones, and the drones of  their partners, are getting access to the power charging stati...
Kin Lane

Our Primary Objective Is To Liberate Powerful Peoples Activity From Porn And Other Scandalous Online Destinations #DesignFiction

It is pretty easy to get into most of the systems we target. Porn and hookup type websites just aren't going to prioritize security like banks, and other companies will. We do not care about 98% of the profiles and activities we come across, but after we run through our graph database analyzer, there is usually about 2% of the users we wi...
Kin Lane

We Own The Intelligent Drone Landing Gear Market #DesignFiction

We brought programmatic control and intelligence to the drone landing gear market. Before we entered the space with our intelligent landing gear™, it was just about extending, and augmenting the gear with static add-ons. We made our big entrance into the sector with our street lamp charging gear, allowing drone fleets to grab ...
Kin Lane

The Latest Pokemon Craze Has Exceeded Our Expectations When It Came To Photos Of Critical Infrastructure #DesignFiction

There are numerous competing objectives at play within the latest Pokemon craze. One area that has exceeded our expectations is the number of photos we were able to gather of critical infrastructure within the United States. Satellite photos have definitely transformed how we monitor their critical infrastructure, but we have h...