We Outsource All Of Our Defect Development

We have 3rd party development shops that deliver our defective solutions. When we identify an opportunity for “accidentally” grabbing audio, video, or other data, we make sure a 3rd party development shop has their finger prints all over it. There are plenty of web, mobile, device, and network development shops out there who are hungry for contracts, which are also easily infiltrated by seemingly low-level staff ho can assist us in ensuring that the defects we are looking for exist within software.

Of course our terms of service state that we will not record what you are saying in your home with our devices. However, this does not mean that data will not accidentally be recorded, uploaded to the cloud, and remain as part of the operation of devices in which are not patched. We count on the fact that it will take months, if not years for some bugs to be found, and we depend on the fact that many users will not ever patch their devices even after the update is made available. Making defect development the optimal way to ensure that we can still capture the audio, pictures, images, and other data we need to properly connect the dots at the highest level.

Once a defect has been discovered and we are forced to fix it, all we need to do is provide an update, as soon as we possibly can. As we said, the update may never be applied, but we can also delay, slow, and sometimes even prevent the update from ever happening. Even if we do get in trouble with regulatory agencies when it comes to a defect, we can always shift the blame to the 3rd party development shop. Outsourcing the responsibility to another company, citing our terms of service and other legalese to help defend our practices. Development shops are a dime a dozen, and we can also seed the establishment of them through lucrative partnership deals, driving willing partners towards the opportunity of upcoming contracts—making for one of the most lucrative ways in which we can outsource defect development and liability.

Software defects are critical to achieving our business objectives. Without them we cannot obtain the amount of data we need to achieve the scale required to compete with the handful of other companies who lead the pack. Accidentally audio, photos, video and other data accounts for over 70% of the data we use in our predictive models. Defect data only remains on-premise until these models are developed, then we overwrite with the latest batch—until we are caught. All data is removed once regulators catch on, and we usually only have about 60-90 days worth whenever this situation occurs. Allowing us to keep our vital data assets absorbed into our black box, proprietary, machine learning models.

Defect development is handled by just a handful of executives, and a few trusted partners. This outsource development work is handled by our project managers, but as far as they are concerned, we are getting the software needed to deliver what they are asked to deliver. The fact that our software used across web, mobile, device, and network apps is riddled with defects that contribute to our success is lost on our management team, and the low-end developers that are usually part of the 3rd party development teams. Next, we’ll be showing the numbers derived from our defect development, which is tracked as part of predict modeling sales, but also includes the losses included when a defect is found. As you can see the benefits far outweigh the consequences when it comes to the defects in our software products.