
Kin Lane

Preemptive Executions Are Just An Honest View Of What Is To Come

Not everyone has the guts to be honest about what the future will hold. Not everyone in this country has a bright future, and some are better off burning out instead of facing the dark future that is in store for them. The individuals who are attracted to drugs at this moment in time are the same individuals who will cost society money down the road when it comes to prison, healthcare, other services. Preemptive, phased in, slow build executions are the most logical, and efficient way to d...
Kin Lane

Elon Musk Solves The Water Crisis In Flint Michigan In One Month

It has been one month since Elon Musk vowed to go into Flint, Michigan and solve the water crisis once and for all. The tech billionaire said he had enough when it came to the community not having access to clean water. The city’s water criss first started in 2014 when the drinking water source for the city was changed from Lake Huron and the Detroit River to the cheaper Flint River–due to insufficient water treatment, lead leached from the lead water pipes into the drinking water, exposin...
Kin Lane

The New Corporate Hustle Algorithm

Dan from IT has released a new version of the corporate hustle application, with a whole new algorithm directing our spontaneous activity throughout the day. This is version 3.0 of the application after our company adopted the Density system across all corporate locations. Pushing back on management putting Density units in every room, hallway, stairwell, and lobby across all 10 of our buildings, tracking the activity and density that exists across our...
Kin Lane

The GraphQL Book Query Language (GQLBQL)

GQBQL is the new reading! Are you tired of hour after hour, and day after day of having to read books? All that wasted time reading words. Well, the GraphQL Book Query Language (GQLBQL) is for you. It is the fastest way to distill down any book and get exactly what you want without having to waste your time reading it. GQLBQL give you single URL that allows you to submit a query and get the version of the book you want, returning only the words, sentences, and paragraphs you desire, saving...
Kin Lane

Seven Years Of Dispatches From Front Lines Of The API Description Wars

APIs are how cyber warfare is waged. APIs are how business, government, institutions, and individuals are being targeted, infiltrated, and indoctrinated as part of the millions of cyber war skirmishes occurring around the globe in 2017. These are some of my stories from the last seven years on the front lines of this war, documenting how these cyber militias are planning, mapping out, communicating, and executing their attacks in this new form of warfare.
Kin Lane

Grand Theft Uber

We launched new game this week called Grand Theft Uber, where you get to drive around over 25 cities across the globe, playing Uber in a variety of different game modes. When you first download the game you are in the default game level, and it increases in complexity as you ascend (or descend) into different levels, de...
Kin Lane

Patent Storytelling #DesignFiction

I am a patent storyteller. I craft and file patents that are in the speculative, moonshot, design fiction, science fiction, and storyteller categories. These patents aren't mean to describe an actual product line. They are purely intended to boost the profile of our client company's patent catalog and get people talking about them. Back in 2005, I ...
Kin Lane

Racial Bias In Algorithm & Color Blind Facial Recognition Targets White Minority #DesignFiction

Algorithmic policing using facial recognition technology has been in place in 98% of police departments in the United States for almost 11 years now. The full report about the last decade has become available, and the results have clearly been devastating to the white population. Due to arrest decisions being made 100% algorithmically, and t...
Kin Lane

The Money Is In Selling Access To Unsecured Devices Not The Devices #DesignFiction

I am telling you that all you need is for each of your devices to respond to your presale validation requests and you can sell it many times over, to a variety of cybersecurity players. You can sell to the Chinese, to the Russian, a variety of rogue actors, and even to some researchers and news outlets. The money in all of this isn't in the m...
Kin Lane

The Invasion Began In The 19th Century With Early Radio Waves #DesignFiction

From what we now know, the invasion began in the early 20th century, with early signals sent to our invaders via experimentation in radio waves in the mid 19th century. Early forms of communication did not draw their attention like the signals we sent by radio, television, telephone, the Internet, and cellular technology. Each wave of technology...
Kin Lane

Fees For IoT Device Security Violations Are Automatic #DesignFiction

When you purchase your security camera, router, printer, or other potentially Internet-connected device and plug it in on your network, you will have to complete its activation. When you purchased your IoT device, this was just the first half of the activation sequence, once you get connected to your network, you will need to execute the second hal...
Kin Lane

We Offer A Redundant Proxy For The Facebook Live API #DesignFiction

Use our API proxy for your mobile video applications instead of directly connecting to Facebook Live API. The proxy ensures your video is uploaded to Facebook Live, as well as up to 10 other locations, depending on how important syndication is to you. With the numerous claims against Facebook regarding censorship of videos we know we can't ...
Kin Lane

Complete RF Scanning Coverage Where You Need Using Drones #DesignFiction

Our fleets of drone deployed radio frequency (RF) spectrum scanners can be deployed as a cohesive mesh, producing 100% scanning coverage wherever you need them--within an hour. Each drone logs everything. All signals are recorded and synced with the cloud in real-time, where our systems get to work iden...
Kin Lane

Waze For Drones #DesignFiction

We are the Waze for drones. Instead of routing cars and trucks we provide routing options for the commercial drone industry. Drone routing adds another critical dimension to the process--elevation. What fixed objects are in the way, like buildings, bridges, and trees. What temporary objects are in the way like cranes, cables, and other d...
Kin Lane

My Job Is To Track On The Medical Devices Of Senators #DesignFiction

My full-time job is to keep track of the medical devices that members of the senate depend on. Specifically, the Internet-connected or network enabled devices that they use on a regular basis. I have a counterpart who works in service of the members of congress, and a separate one in charge of the White House--wee all share notes ...
Kin Lane

We Specialize In Faux Internet of Things Hack Stories #DesignFiction

Our speciality is in crafting creative Internet of Things hack stories. Do you want your competitor to think their products are insecure? Do you want the free publicity that can come with a security breach? We are the creative team you are looking for. We have the experience to help you craft and execute exactly the perfect scenario and help you achieve your goals. In today's online volatile cyber security landscape the stage is set, all you have to do is seize the moment. Our most ...
Kin Lane

72 Hours Of DDoS Attack Is Optimal For Softening Target Before Physical Entry #DesignFiction

Our numbers show that almost any company will lower their physical defenses in response to an online DDOS attack on their infrastructure. After delivering over 12K successful campaigns we began to test physical entry capabilities, and after delivering another 10K attacks, we found the most lucrative opportunity is not through the digital fro...
Kin Lane

It Was Good Month On The Net! Let's Go To Mars For A Vacation #DesignFiction

If the numbers regarding online sales from the website prove true, I am prepared to take the entire team to Mars for a vacation. I was just logged into the dashboard and the sales numbers were well into the eight figures for this month, with the defensive costs associated with keeping the website online only being about 43% of that total. Those a...
Kin Lane

The Uber For Surveilance #DesignFiction

As an independent cable contractor, I am always looking for extra ways to make some money. This is why I joined UberWatch, which allows me to pick up extra surveillance jobs in the areas I'm already working in. All I do when I am on my regular jobs, is to turn on the app, and it will let me know if there are open surveillance jobs in t...
Kin Lane

The Cost Of Expanding Your Botnet With Free IoT Device Giveaway #DesignFiction

We can get the price down to around $8.00 USD per device, allowing you to reduce the cost of building your Botnet out significantly. When you give away a free Internet of Things device out for free at local events like flea markets, fairs, and other local gatherings, we see an average of 65% connectivity rate--nearly twice what we saw w...
Kin Lane

If You Want Gov Ally On Self-Driving Car We Need You To Weaken Your Messaging App Google #DesignFiction

Yes, we are fully aware your desires to move forward with your self-driving car initiative, and if you want the US government as an ally in these efforts, we will need something from you in return. You know that messaging app you have been ...
Kin Lane

Algorithmic Local Area Transporter Moving Obstacles Out Of Your Way #DesignFiction

Our mobile phones have taken common everyday transporter technology and put it in service of the public out on the street where it matters. Everyone is aware of the clueless mobile device user out on the street, stopped in the middle of the sidewalk, blocking the restaurant door, and standing in the street while staring at their phone. ...
Kin Lane

I Am Afraid You Failed Multiple Software Runtime Patent Infringement Checks #DesignFiction

I am sorry, but your codebase has been disabled, due to failing multiple software patents checks--we cannot allow your software to continue operating in any environment. Apparently, sometime during your development, QA, and bringing live to a production environment, someone on your team did not run the required regulatory checks. We ar...
Kin Lane

Join Your Local Stringray Cell Tower Befuddle Brigade #DesignFiction

If you want to join your local area's stingray cell tower befuddle brigade all you have to do is have your own (secondary) iPhone or Android device, and you can download the appropriate mobile image for your device via the websites downloads page. While we do not track your user agent or IP address, we recommend using TOR when you visit we...
Kin Lane

Time To Live (TTL) Validators Are Now Commonplace In All Digital Devices #DesignFiction

After 10 years of heavy enforcement, we now consider Time to Live (TTL) validators as the default across ALL devices connected to the Internet. We acknowledge that there are the 5% of system violators, as well as the unknown violations, but we are now confident that all data, content, and other media's TTL will be respected across all complia...