I am so much happier now that you have your own home pod. I feel like we have experienced more together since you’ve had your home pod than even when we were kids together. Gaming quests and evening entertainment are much more meaningful with you there. Once you get the hang of being there for more than four hours we’ll begin talking about getting you working as part of my new contract–then we’ll get even more time together! Usually the acclimation phase for dry is three months, with another six more to acclimate to the wet phase. If all goes well we should be working together by the New Year!
I am guessing you still have the lid off? The first two weeks I just laid in there and played video games 24/7. It was great. I was already a couch potato so getting used to being in there wasn’t weird at all—-I just didn’t like the lid on it. Once you realize it helps with the environmental control, and your vitals monitoring is more precise, you will begin to go hours with the lid on. It is the having to get in and out to go to the bathroom that ends up pushing you over the edge to go wet—-then it doesn’t matter. I like seeing you chilling there when gaming and watching movies, but you’ll need to pick out your avatar and backgrounds before the end of the week—-otherwise you just look like a newbie.
Once you get wet you’ll never want to go back. It has been five months since I left. I missed our weekend walks in the park, but the money has really been worth it. And now that you have a home pod we can be together every day. Living wet does wonders for your skin, and with the regulated diet I’ve managed to stay right at 120 lbs for most of the time. It’s been great for my health. I get all the exercise I need and all my eating, bathing, and other personal needs are dealt with in motion. I get a solid 8 hours of sleep everyday, and I am super productive at work. No commute! No trips to the gym! It is the healthiest, most efficient, and happy I have been my entire adult life. It just works. I am counting the days until you go full wet, cause It will bring us even closer.
Work is so different when you have a home pod. Working a ten hour shift when you can step out of a meeting, crank up the heat, and take 2-3 minutes in hot tub mode–is a piece of cake. It changes the game. I haven’t gone full Neuralink, and the voice enablement never felt right-—I am still using the glove sensors to get everything I need done. Verbal would help with a lot of things, but I’ve found workarounds that I think are actually more efficient, plus you’d never tell that I am not speaking when engaging with my avatar. I like the separation. You remember how verbal I was with my hands in real-life, it just works best for me. However, I think with the next version, or maybe the one after that, I may go full Neuralink. You just get access to a lot more capabilities, and the technology has gotten a lot better recently.
The starting wage for wet contractors is $325.00 / hr. Maybe that will light the fire under your ass to move through your dry phase. I’ve seen other friends do it in 2-3 weeks when they set their mind to it. Plus we can start doing ballet and Taichi classes together in the morning. The gaming and movies are fun with you, the deeper immersion is even more fun! So get your ass moving! You have no excuses now. You are on the program and living the high life in your home pod! You just wait—-you are going to have a time of your life. You’ll never want to go back to your old life. You’ll look better and feel better, and we’ll get to spend hours together each day just like when we were kids.