No. No. It’s not like the movie. We don’t cut open your brain. It is just a pharmaceutical intervention. All you have to do is take the pill that is programmed to target the memory of the movie you are renting. For example, if you wanted to rent the Matrix again, all you have to do is order the pill for that movie and it will arrive the next day. It is all part of a single movie rental package where you have access to the movie on your device of choice, and the matching pill is in your mailbox within 24 hours. It’s that easy. The experience is the best if you take the pill the night before you want to watch.
We recommend you only rewatch each movie once a year, otherwise there can be a build up of pharmaceutical residue that can result in a mixed experience. Other than that there are no other verified side effects. Your subscription comes with up to 25 rentals per week, and an easy to use mobile application to helps you manage your pill schedule and overall movie watching experience. There is no limit on how many days before you need to take a pill, but we’ve seen some degradation in the experience after 3 months. The pills are the freshest within a one week period, and the most vivid within 24 hours.
Make sure to give the terms of service a read, and there are no refunds on a one year subscription. Obviously we can’t stop you, but we recommend you stick with one movie rental service at a time, otherwise there can be unknown experiences. If you want to get in on the trials we have going on for video games, just let us know on your account. We’ll have a specialist contact you, and have an assortment of games ready for you based upon the demographic profile submitted for your account. We haven’t had any successful television trials and still consider binge watching to be an unsafe use of our active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs).
Don’t worry. All of the stories you’ve read in the media are untrue. There has been no proven link between our active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) and the claims of memory loss, chemical lobomotimization, alien experiences, and other wild claims you may have heard about. Your safety and entertainment is our priority. We’ve been in business for five years now, and have 2 Billion active customers. We are the trusted source of repeat movie rentals, and the platform of choice for the top movie production studios to release new titles. All we need is your release and we can get your Spotless Mind Movie Rentals package in the mail–you should receive it tomorrow by lunchtime.