It is simple. In the age of universal Internet, your download and upload speeds are determined by your income demographic, credit, and social score. It isn’t designed to penalize poor people but is based upon how much you contribute to the actual economy. The more you contribute, the more money you make, and the faster your Internet speeds are. It is the most meritocratic approach possible and the more productive you are the faster your Internet becomes, and in turn the more productive you will be. Obviously there are physical workplace exceptions to the rule, but when it comes to residential Internet speeds, this is how rate limits are imposed at the home pod level.
Most people are completely unaware that there is a rate limit on their Internet. Wealthy people assume everyone has this access. Poor people don’t know any better and when told they aren’t surprised that rich people have it better, but don’t quite understand how it works beyond that. Some folks in the middle who figure things out like to label Internet rate limiting as some sort of poor tax, but we disagree with that sentiment. Taxes are universal and proportional to how much you contribute, and how much you make. This is just how the world works and the tax is adjusted for all demographics, the poor have just chosen to stay where they are, thus their Internet is reflective of their choices.
Our point is that people rarely notice. The speed of the Internet is just the speed of their Internet. The fact that the Internet is faster at work when you have a job that requires you to be onsite just means that a company has bigger pipes because they have more people. Rarely do people fraternize outside their social classes and experience the Internet of other demographics. Our Internet reflects our worlds. Calling it a poor tax is just cruel, and reminds them that they are poor. We also can’t speak to the other advertising and content decisions poor people make that will slow their mobile computing devices. This is out of our area of expertise and control and we are just focused on the pipes the Internet uses to connect our world.
The Internet is just like other utilities now. You don’t get to decide how fast your electricity or water moves. So get over it. Our Internet just reflects us. If you are contributing to society then you have access to the resources you need. If you choose to sit on the sidelines, stay at home, and can’t keep up, then you get what you signed up for. A digital world is a meritocracy. Everyone should have access to the Internet now, and if you aren’t using it to your advantage it is your fault. Quit trying to blame all of your problems on those who provide you with the Internet and make the world go around. The world is as we see it, and we only see what we understand. If you are ignorant then it is your fault.