Fees For IoT Device Security Violations Are Automatic #DesignFiction

When you purchase your security camera, router, printer, or other potentially Internet-connected device and plug it in on your network, you will have to complete its activation. When you purchased your IoT device, this was just the first half of the activation sequence, once you get connected to your network, you will need to execute the second half of activation sequence.

At this time your device will operate as expected, and is registered in multiple federal and state agencies databases. When your device manufacturer releases a firmware update for the device you will have 72 hours to apply the update, or face an IoT device compliance violation. Depending on the device, it starts around $25.00 with a 5% daily increase for each day of non-compliance. 

Your manufacturer may have automatic updates turned on by default, resulting in the most desirable update schedule for everyone involved. For some reason, some manufacturers haven't made this default, and some installers opt to turn off when it is present. This is one reason we've automated the violation framework, to incentivize compliant activations. There are many proprietary and open source solutions available today that assist you in the management of your IoT devices, helping you stay in compliance with government IoT device security regulations--it shouldn't be a problem.

While IoT device security compliance may seem like yet another regulatory hurdle to have to climb over as a small business owner, it hopefully gives you the opportunity to pause while determining which objects you connect to the Internet. We all have to share in the burden of online security and assume our responsibility for each device we decide to connect to the online world.