Getting Started With Your First Smokescreen Template #DesignFiction

Yes, that is right, all you do is record your behavior in different scenarios, using our desktop and mobile applications combined, and we'll do the rest. Once the system has captured enough days, and sufficient scenarios for replication, we will give you a generic timeline to work with. The timeline allows you to select moments that you want to include in a templated version of yourself, and those you do not. 

We recommend you record several days in your normal daily routine, maybe even 5-10 work days, and 2-3 separate weekends. If you travel for business, or take vacations, we like those as well, the more diversity the better. Once you finalize a timeline for your daily routine, weekends, travel, and vacation modes, we can give you an estimate of what your template is worth. The usual template generates around $10.00 to $39.00 per use, with an average of 5 uses per week. It really depends on who you are, where you live, and generally how exciting your life is.

Once you have established what we consider our base templates, at least one daily route, weekend experience, and a travel one, we will contact you about opportunity for additional templates. While weekend experiences are one of the biggest sellers, the fastest growth area is with completely unique day trip scenarios, which those who can afford it, will run a different scenario for each day of their week. This is a great opportunity for you to really push the boundaries of who you are, in orchestrating and executing on day trip templates.

Smokescreen recordings have become more than just about putting up a smokescreen and disrupting government surveillance networks, and messing with the algorithms of top technology platforms, it has also become a sort of status symbol to have your online profiles, and overall digital footprint reflect unimaginable behavior, that isn't something you would do. Some users are living through their Smokescreen Templates, while others have made careers out of being Smokescreen Storytellers. 

Get started today, by contributing your first two templates, and then your first 10 uses of existing base templates are free--remember, in a post Snowden world, nothing is never as it seems!