FreeCar, The Advertising Based Car Rental #DesignFiction

We like to take the FreeCars up to the mountains and throw wild bonfire parties, and we are doing it again this weekend. It is always an adventure, because in FreeCar you don't ever travel from point A to B, there are plenty of stops along the way. FreeCar is advertising supported travel, where you are required to make stops along the way, so it isn't your commute option, its your weekend trip, and random day trip solution--especially if you wanna have fun along the way.

FreeCars are always the smallest car you can imagine, so four of us is all we can fit in, with some camping gear strapped to the top. First stop along I-80 easy is a rest stop just as we are leaving the bay area, which in 2021, rest stops are more exhibit halls with parking spaces bathrooms, and vendors. The bathrooms are always far in back, winding through an exhibit hall of data plan providers, Bitcoin scammers, proxy solutions, and any other bottom of the barrel tech service you desire. FreeCar automatically stops for minimum of 20 minutes at each rest stop along the way. 

45 minutes after we get going again, we are offered five options for eating, each with 1/2 off deals, and buy one get one free deals for when we return--the food is shit, but stop anyways. After 150 miles, FreeCar makes you watch a commercial before it will engage, so after eating lunch, we are forced to watch a video about an upcoming music festival, the car knows us so well! We just might go if Nicki can get the weekend off. Once again we are off, driving towards the mountains, except we had forgotten how steep the mountain grade is, and this FreeCar is a little older than the last one we had, giving us a top speed of 35 MPH--we end up stopping for the night.

Going up the mountain grade there a desperate hotel offer came in, with a buy one room and get the second free! W00t privacy tonight! No listening to the grunts and groans of our travel partners, as they pleasure each other. We even managed to stay up late enough to make through the commercials on TV and get to watch the new Marvel Avengers movie, 20th in the franchise. Tomorrow we'll continue up the hill, and make camp by afternoon.