Using Facebook Facial Recognition To Find Jesus In Everything #DesignFiction

I was uploading my Earth as Art photos into a Facebook album, as I’m working on new ways to use my social networks in conjunction with image and photo content, and after the upload, I clicked next and Facebook wanted to find my friends in the mountains, water, and other land masses that were present in my photos.

This gave me an idea. I searched for Jesus on Facebook, and found him of course, because he’s such a public guy. Now he is my friend, and I’m working hard to take pictures of everything I see, and upload to Facebook--my goal is to find Jesus in everything in the real world.

We all know Jesus is part of everything in our world, and now I can use Facebook to help me find him. In fact, we should all start Jesus mining the world around us, and using technology to find him in the world around us, and maybe along the way we can find Jesus in ourselves.

Sometimes I think the Internet is just the hand of god.