A mechanical elf is an entity that lives in the cosmic space in between our reality, time and space. Mechanical doesn’t quite describe the work these “elves” do, but neither does the description of “elf”--we lack adequate descriptions in this world.
Mechanical elves are the workers who oversee the operations of everything that is. They move reality forward by creating what is new, while providing the mechanisms that deliver what we experie right now, and some are dedicated to curating everything that ever was.
Some are the lubricant in the world and across society, others are the craftsmen building each and every aspect of our world(s), while some are focused on destruction and destroying reality and consuming everything--even other mechanical elves.
Mechanical elves live in between this world and millions of others, living an existence that is more cosmic and digital, rather than in the physical sense of “mechanical”. These “elves” can look more video game character, pygmy, hobbit or pixelated apparition as opposed to “elf”.
A mechanical elf cannot help but have projections into the worlds they drive and influence. These projections can exist in a world as a person, device, brand or many other incarnations. When they live here as humans, they are often driven by a desire to learn, understand, create, push forward and will have a chronic need to grind against the machine.
Not all mechanical elves are good, not all are bad--some just are. Many are of aware the role they play, while others are driven beyond the boundaries of their own understanding. No matter which, the move forward, not stopping for anything--until the burn out or are ground up by the machine.
If a mechanical elf is aware of their role, they grind against machine from an early age with an insatiable hunger for learning, creating and grinding against the darker sides of the machine.
We just lost a projection of an amazingly wise, caring and positive mechanical elf. The good thing is that in its place, ten more projections will be created.
Thanks Aaron for grinding against the machine!