Sacrificial Citi Bike Riders

After aggregating the DNA samples from all of the Citi bike riders killed in accidents between 2025 and 2030 we were able to isolate the optimal sacrificial profile to appease the gods and begin shifting the automobile narrative. The ideal candidate is white, mostly male, but female still is needed, but are also in the upper income bracket. Early on in the evolution of Citi bikes, but there was a diverse range of riders, and the conversation didn’t seem to shift. However, with the current sustained wealthy white stock we are seeing killed on the streets of New York City, we have begun to see the death grip cars have on the city begin to shift.

We know that it is crass and a little sick to be celebrating the death of anyone, but when you are operating at automobile scale, sacrifice is necessary. Mainstream society won’t change their behavior when young black and brown human beings are being killed on bicycles by automobiles. We’ve seen this reality with bicycle as well as pedestrian deaths. You need rich white kids dying to begin changing the conversation, with the majority being young white men. A fight fire with fire sort of approach to shifting the conversation regarding how we move around the world. There is so much white supremacy and patriarchy wrapped in the automobile and all of the infrastructure we’ve installed to support the automobile, that you need to literally sacrifice white males to begin unlocking and unwinding over a century of automobile entrenchment in our lives.

We are unsure at this point just how many deaths it will take to begin changing the attitudes of people who are isolated in their automobiles, but we’ve seen the biggest shift so far in just the last six months with 360 deaths, and 85% of them white affluent male. Let’s keep it up!! We estimate that another 6-12 months we’ll be able to get another initiative on the ballot, and there will be enough pressure from isolated conservative voters to begin shifting the traffic discussion in NYC. It is like any other social issue, you need it brought home to the homes of enough people in the dominant demographic before you’ll get the change required. We wish there was an easier way, but we think it will take about 1000 sacrifices a year to move the needle, and we hope for only 1-2 years at the most.