Drone Strikes Against Unregistered Drone Operators #DesignFiction

It has been two years since the FAA began requiring drone operators to register their drones, and with only about 30% registration rate, the government agency is having to change it strategy. With the heightened danger of drone operators getting in the way of commercial flights, violating secure airspace, and numerous other scenarios we've seen play out in the last two, serious action is warranted.

Using a proprietary tracking technology developed by WaldoTech Inc., the FAA can now triangulate the location of unregistered drone operators, who's devices have been confiscated, and send in a retaliatory drone strike. These drone strikes are non-lethal, using a concussive charge, which takes out a 15 foot radius, around drone operators who are found in violation. 

"The public seems ready for more decisive action on the subject of Drones", said Director of Drone Registry Nicolas Hildebrandt. "Nobody is getting hurt, and we are sending a strong message". Contrasting Hildenbrandt's position, John Van Pelt, of the popular drone magazine DRONE, said "YOU ARE F**CKING TARGETING US CITIZENS WITH DRONE STRIKES!!!"--demonstrating the polarization that exists around the issue of domestic, civilian drones.

Part of the requirements of the new unregistered domestic drone strike program will be transparency. All strikes will be reported by government agencies within 72 hours, with full details of arrests made in response. After six months of operation the program is required to submit a full report on successes and failures, and if  50% registration is not achieved, the program will be re-evaluated.

If you have any further questions, please use the feedback form on the website.