Adding A New Type of Uber Drones To The Stack #DesignFiction

The response to our Uber camera drones has been so popular that we are launching an entirely new type of drone, a new delivery drone. We were impressed with the ability of our users in navigating the new world of camera drones on demand, and excited to see thousands of drones being deployed every hour in the name of real estate, traffic management, law enforcement, and many other surveillance-on-demand needs.

The new delivery drone can be summoned via your Uber application, all you do is request one of the six sizes of drones we have, and the drone will show up at the location you request. Put your package out front, squarely in the center of your doorstep, and the drone will swoop in, pick up package, and deliver to the location that you request. Please make sure your delivery is properly properly packaged, taking weather into consideration.

For both the camera, and delivery drones Uber is taking advantage of the growing number of Drone enthusiasts out there, and working to put their equipment and skills to use. Uber isn’t just for getting a ride anymore. Uber is now the eyes and hands of your world, being where you need to be, and making sure your important deliveries arrive where you need them.